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Old Users (MIS)

FrogLearn Housekeeping

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Old user tasks

Download the script for this video here


Users who have left the school and have been removed from the MIS will remain in Frog but will have had their MIS link removed so as an administrator you can choose to remove them from the Frog platform. 

The reason that Frog will not automatically delete these users is due to the fact that if any students or staff members were to leave; only to return in a months time, their account would still be in the platform. Also, were there to ever be a problem with the MIS import and legitimate users weren't imported, they would have their accounts deleted which would cause problems.

To remove a small number of Old Users

  • Log into the Frog platform as an administrator.
  • Navigate to the Users application.
  • At this point you can either filter by Year Group or Registration by clicking on the column header to make this job easier.
  • You could just search for the user using their name or username. 
  • Use the Select button to allow you to select multiple users.
  • Once you have selected some users, click the Action Cog and use the Archive option to remove the users.

Please watch the video tutorial on this page if you're wanting to delete a large amount of users in bulk.


Important Note:

Archiving a user will result in its removal from the platform. This action cannot be undone by yourself.  Please be completely sure that you want to archive the user before proceeding.

Tutorials in this series...
